Additional Resources

If you wanted to learn more about anime past my website, here are a few people I recommend you watch to learn more. These are YouTubers that I have personally watched for months or even years, and I recommend them to you. Keep in mind, learning about anime is not something anyone can teach you. You need to do your own research and watch anime to be able to understand it. And the best part is that it’s a lifelong hobby. There is always something to watch and discover, and even people who have watched anime for years still have series they have yet to watch. So, let’s get started.

Anime YouTubers – These are anime YouTubers that I have watched that I found to have influenced myself and made me who I am today.

Figure and Gunpla – If you are interested in figures and Gunpla (like I am), this is a list of all or most of the figure and Gunpla reviewer/builder that I watch.

J-Vloggers – During this project, I had to research a little more into Japanese culture, society, economy and various other things. So, this is a list of a few J-Vloggers (people that live in japan that vlog) that I watched to get more knowledge.

Building Gunpla – This is my guide for building Gunpla. I have personally loved Gundam for more than two years now, and I would like to share and teach others how to enjoy Gunpla. But, I am still a novice that only knows how to straight-build Gunpla. Still, since I know how to snap-build, my guides are still able to introduce you into Gunpla. If you want more elaborate guides on more complex techniques such as painting and modifying, my best suggestion is to refer to my “Figure and Gunpla” section to find what tools you need and how to do it. And that will be all, and I hope that you find some of the resources that I listed to be useful.